Working to become interested in others My Goal.

Peter Wirhun
5 min readJul 17, 2022
My 2022 painting “ Agony “. The image is about horrors we face via our own doing, or the world we sometimes find ourselves in, due to others.

We all have days when waking up, and realignment seems to be the mode of present Being. Aware there are areas in life I am not happy with, so writing them down and addressing them is current work.

One became glaringly obvious, and thus the title for this piece.

I spend a vast amount of my time alone in my world, and frankly, no one cares about that, about me, or what I seem to be doing. Who has not felt this feeling? If you never had, then that seems amazing, wonderful and I couldn’t feel happier for you.

Growing up, I never felt close to many, and my parents didn’t have the time. My dad was a teacher, my mom wished she was a teacher but worked in an office. The cobbler’s kids don’t have shoes for a reason, and when parents don’t have good mentors, teaching others perhaps is easier, than dealing with their own children.

Today realizing that they never were interested in what I did, the only exception my mother pushed me to my art. Struggling people are self involved, and yes they are forgiven. Being alive is well worth my struggles. All the events that have come to pass over my years are about my choices, the outcomes are now results via my own doing.

As the middle child who was always in trouble it seemed for just being a boy, much time was either spent alone…

