Peter Wirhun
3 min readApr 26, 2024


A butterfly started talking to me

Patch of wild flowers by the mailbox.

A butterfly started talking to me… really are you on drugs? No sober for almost five and half years.

Are you sleep deprived…. what did you eat?

Slept well last night, ate some Hummus and chips before starting the lawn mower.

What meds are you on?

I am the only one I know in my age bracket that has never taken a prescription drug, ZERO.

My sister, brother, all friends, are taking something daily, me only food and vitamins.

What’s the lawn mower got to do with this conversation?

Well the lawn needed cutting, so I began at the mailbox where the tall wildflowers and grass was growing.

The yard guys for the condo units cut onto my yard, cut most of them down, and so it needed to be cleaned up.

Then what happened… as I got close to the wildflowers and a butterfly flew in my face and started the gibberish.

It asked me what the hell was I doing.

I said cutting the lawn, and she interrupted…. you don’t have a lawn, look at the weeds would you please.

I said well it still is a tad long, and the guy who works for me even mentioned it.

Who is the boss she asked, I said.. he works for me.

